Cari Mackey

Aug 15, 2021

Humpback Whale Watching Season in Panama.

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

When looking out at the open ocean, the mind wanders and wonders, sometimes feeling like the ocean is a never ending open expanse of water. With so much space to grow and move, it's no wonder there are animals of this size (40-45 ft long) and even larger in the ocean.

From July through October these massive Humpback Whales migrate over 10,000 miles - making it one of the longest migrations on the planet. They make the journey from both the northern and southern hemispheres to the Pacific coast of Panama to breed; providing a warm place for their calves who lack an insulating layer of blubber, to be born.

Much like honeymooners, the warm tropics also serve as the mating grounds for these whales. Their polygamous nature is one of the reasons they are so entertaining to watch. Males compete to mate with fertile females and if you are at the right place at the right time you just may bear witness to an incredible scrum out on the ocean.

These competitive mating displays are next level meaning, they can launch their entire 40 ton body completely out of the water to impress a female but that's not all; both males and females will leap, slap, crash, and sing, to attract a mate and as a form of communication with other whales.

It definitely gets our attention! Out on the water with guests to fish, explore, and snorkel, we always hope to catch a glimpse of any of the migrating whales this time of year especially with a baby calf. You can even see them from the vantage of sitting on your surf board. Now, that's quite a view.

So, if whale watching is on your bucket list you know where and when to go and we are here for you.

Your Friends in Morrillo,

Cari and Ryan Mackey

Owners and Hosts

Morrillo Beach Eco Resort
