As an eco resort we are always trying to find ways to minimize our impact, waste, plastic use, and amount of chemicals in our world so don't be surprised if you see one of these in your shower when you get here. It's not because they are pretty though that is a great reason, it's because it's natures shampoo! Now, I have never borne witness to a monkey or a jaguar using this on their luscious coats but I did learn about it from our friends at Amazilia on our soap lab tour, which I highly recommend.
It's called Shampoo Ginger Lily and it grows really well here along with white ginger, red ginger, torch ginger, galangal, and turmeric. Shampoo ginger lily is also sometimes commonly called Awapuhi which brings me back to the shampoo I used as a teenager - by Paul Mitchell! Yes, I had some 80's big bangs but that was thanks to hair spray not this beautiful flower but, I digress...back to the point.
Believed to be native to India (could've guessed that) this plant eventually made its way to the tropics of Panama where it thrives along with similar species like mentioned above. When we find this flower on our hikes, we will take it into the waterfall pools and use it to wash our hair and our bodies not just because it's fun and we are all smelly, it also has a myriad of medicinal uses as well like helping with indigestion as we all know ginger does so well.
Along with galangal, white ginger, turmeric, and the others, it's also great to use to cook with which you will get to know when you are here for our homemade, fresh coconut curry or stir fry. Not only will your belly love you, but you'll sleep well knowing all that goodness is working to restore you from the inside out to get you super powered for the following days adventures.
We hope to see you soon to share with you some of nature's magic.
Your Friends in Morrillo,
Cari and Ryan Mackey
Owners and Hosts
Morrillo Beach Eco Resort