I know last weeks email to you about dead Sea Turtles washing up on shore was pretty brutal. It has been a rough few months hearing about what was happening along the Pacific Coast here and the feeling of helplessness that goes along with it.
We did go out on the water like we mentioned to look for a turtle that could be necropsied but as you can imagine we didn't find any. We searched the beaches, rocky areas, and all along the shoreline areas but it was definitely a needle in a haystack kind of search that didn't work.
There are a lot of theories as to what is happening so when I learn more, I will be sure to let you know!
As they say: "From Crisis Comes Opportunity." So, we did take our fishing poles with us.
You would think living on Tuna Coast of the world we would always have tuna but there are many times when we don't have any fish to serve despite our days on the water trying. There are no fish markets here where we are, we don't buy fish from anyone that uses a net, and well, we all know there just aren't that many fish in the sea anymore.
As you well know, fishing nets are a nightmare for nature in so many ways and I'm trying to lighten the load of bad news for you so let's talk about what we do to avoid contributing to that. We are far from perfect and we're always trying to be better so we only serve fish that is line caught, by us. Sometimes, it's fish caught by our guests, and what's really cool is when a local catches a fish on the beach out front and offers to sell it to us.
We are proud of how we source our foods; local and with the least amount of ecological impact. Our guests think that's pretty cool too. If you want to learn more about our foods, check out our restaurant page on our website or take a look at what our guests have to say.
Oh, and if you want the tuna salad sandwich of your dreams, we got you. I'm hungry now, time for dinner and we hope to cook for you very soon!
Your Friends in Morrillo,
Cari and Ryan Mackey
Owners and Hosts
Morrillo Beach Eco Resort